Sunday, October 31, 2004

Is .NET really s l o w ???

ACT! is a very propular Contact Management for salesmen. The latest version was released (after 2 year) is ACT! 2005. The user reviews in pcmagazine are very very bad. It seems the main problem is that it is s l o w.

"The main problem we encountered is that it is agonizinly slow loading and although we have speeded up actual usage by changing our computers settings, it is still slow to go from screen to screen. We contacted ACT and they admitted to a problem with the Framework. They are working on it and I suggest to wait unitl there is an upgrade." (October 2004)

"I returned my copy for a refund as I found the slow response time to be unacceptable."(October 2004)

Is .NET really that slow? or is it just bad programming ?

I'm waiting for the upgrade before I will buy my copy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

AutoPlay Internet Explorer

Today I wanted to create a CD that automatically opens Internet Explorer with a certain HTML page. It seems this simple act is not so simple. The best reference I found was MSJ from 1999.

The solution below works on Win2000 and WinXP. Notice that Norton Antivirus asks the user to permit the script to run.

File: Autorun.inf
OPEN=Wscript autorun.js

File: Autorun.js
// Create an instance of the scripting Shell Object
WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

// Have the Shell Object call ShellExecute on our HTML
// file
WshShell.Run('iexplore "' + WshShell.CurrentDirectory + '\index.html"', 3, 0);

// Destroy the Shell Object

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Personal Web

Both Yahoo MySearch and Google Desktop are able to limit search results to preffered website. Yahoo requests to manually specify pages to be indexed, while google index any webpage you have visited. This allows to manually or automatically create personal webs on specific subject or interest.

The next obvious step is to allow users search in your personal web. Children safe browsing, people with common interest, virtual online libraries , curiosity about others, ideas for birthday present ...

Copernic Desktop might also be of interest.

I decided not to use the desktop search engines because of their privacy policy.

Update 7-feb-2005. MSN Desktop Search privacy policy is good enough. And their software works !!!